Knowledge Base

Installing Wordpress

How do I install Wordpress on my website?


cpanel softaculous script installer1) Log into your cPanel Control Panel, then click the Softaculous icon as shown in the picture. 

Softaculous loaded wordpress highlightedmouse over wordpress logo2) Click the Wordpress icon, when you mouse over the wordpress icon you will be shown two options, Install and Demo just click anywhere on the icon you will be taken to the next step.

Wordpress showing info3) On this page you can see the Wordpress version that will be installed, the release date of that version, how much disk space is normally required and how much disk space you have left in your hosting account.  Click the Install link highlighted in the image to continue.

Install Wordpress (page/part 1)4) This is where you setup your wordpress install.   Each setting is well explained on this page.  We will cover a few as well:
* In Directory: This is the folder you want to install wordpress to.  For example putting wp would install to    If you want to install to leave 'In Directory' blank. 
* Enable Multisite (WPMU): Our servers do support this function, enable if you want to use multi site wordpress.

(If we don't mention a setting using the default is ok)

Install Wordpress (page/part 2)5) This is the bottom half of the wordpress install page.  This is also the most important part of the setup.
* Admin Username: Please change this from admin to something much harder to guess.
* Admin Password: Please make this very hard to guess.  Mixing numbers, letters and symbols is a good idea.
* Limit Login Attempts: This will also help secure your site from being hacked, it is suggested to install this plugin by ticking the check box.

* Click the + for advanced options and select 'Auto Upgrade'. This will also make your wordpress much more secure as it will keep it up to date for you.

(If we don't mention a setting using the default is ok)
Make sure you have noted down your username and password.  Once you are happy with the settings, click Install.

Wordpress Installed6) Once installed it will take you to a page with a link to your admin login and your wordpress install. Your wordpress site has been installed. 

Softaculous wordpress removeExtra: As you have already installed wordpress this is not an install step.  This picture just shows where you are able to edit some things with the wordpress install, or remove the install if you decide wordpress isn't for you.

If you have any questions, please contact us.

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